Sunday, May 20, 2012

Short Horror Movie

Short Horror Movie
Steve Millard

Here is a short Horror movie uploaded by TomAntos Films entitled
"Red Moon Over Rigger's Pond".
The movie is classified under comedy
but I think horror is a better classification.
I really enjoyed this Short horor movie
and decided that yep this one
is definitely a good one.

If you have ever been fishing at night,
just imagine...
the cloudless sky,
things jumping in the water
shadows seems to move
then you get that lunker...
is it a turtle
is it a...
find out for you self
a gr8 film.
What would you do if you were in that boat???
Make your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. By golly that is what the beer is 4. Pop a tab and enjoy and hope u have enuf to last til daylight. LOL
